Ok..........another 6 months, just about and here I am again. A slacker. Let's just start with our most recent "happenings."
Today we began potty training "for real" with Annie. (Hence the title of this entry) The day was a complete disaster, from a mother's standpoint, as I wondered what in the world I was thinking only a half hour into the day's new routine. The idea was simple. We would start at 8am, and try to potty on the big toilet every hour. Easy, right? Not as it turned out. Annie's diaper was bone dry at 8am, so I was thinking it was going to be a piece of cake. I mean, after all, she's been going at church, successfully, for the past half a dozen classes or so. Now I begin to question the teachers as to what their interpretation of "successful" is! Sure, she may line up with the other 2 year olds who are in her class when asked if anyone needs to use the potty....but it doesn't mean she really knows what she's doing! I never knew peer pressure started so young. Needless to say, we didn't have a successful training "session" this morning.
I put both girls down after we sang our nightly songs and prayers were sung/prayed, when about 10 minutes later I hear (on the monitor) "Mommy, come quick! I need to use the potty!" Of course she does. Couldn't do it all day, but now, as I'm ready to settle in for some much needed ME TIME, she thinks she's ready to try again. So, we tried again. Yet again, unsuccessful. Question now I have is, was it a stall tactic to not go to sleep yet, or did she really think she needed to go? Ahhh, the many joys and challenges of having a 2 year old! But goodness knows, I still love her!