It's hard to believe that our little Macey bug, (aka: our "Little Chomop Chomp") is 1 year old already! It's hard to describe the joy that has been added to our lives since she surprised us with her arrival a year ago yesterday. All I can say, is our family would not be the same without her in it!
I think it's safe to say she enjoyed her party. With nearly 40 people at our house last night for dinner, cake and presents, I just wasn't sure what to expect of the birthday girl's attitude. But she was quite the dollie, enjoying all the excitement that came with her special day. Here are a few pictures of the cake, her individual cake, and her checking it out!
Here are just a few Macey "highlights" from this past year:
~ The girl can (& loves to) eat! Hence her nick name of "Chomp Chomp." So much different than her older sister...this girl will eat just about anything and everything we put in front of her. Needless to say, it's been a blessing for Mommy!
~ She is walking as of about 2 weeks prior to her actual birthday. What started off as a step or two or four, is now full-blown, walking. Of course there are the unsteady moments, where she realizes crawling is easier and faster, but for the most part, she is ready to chase her sister on 2 legs instead of crawling! Look out, Annie! She's a comin' for you!
~ This little one is a climber! We had to drop the crib to its lowest setting at about 4 or 5 months of age. And since then, we have noticed her bravery in several "obstacles" in our home. Yikes...Brian is a little worried we have a future rock climber or something among us!
~ Milk is doing her body good! Although we haven't had her 1 year well-child checkup just yet, we are encouraged by the ease and excitement shown from her, after her early introduction to real cows milk. She loves it! Once again, a relief for mommy, as her dear sister still wants nothing to do with the white stuff....or brown, or pink. Yes, I've tried all kinds and still no luck.
~ Off the pacifier by the age of 1. Not bad. We never faced a major "issue" with big sister, but you never know how they will take it. Smooth as butter. She soothes herself well with her blankie and close friend, Elmo!
~ She is a lover of anything and everything to do with Annie. It's so heartwarming to see the love these 2 sisters already share. At only 17 months apart, we are certain their relationship will only grow over the years, and hopefully they will remain close throughout their lives.
We just can't wait to see what this next year holds in store for her! Happy Birthday, Macey! We love you!
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