Friday, May 15, 2009

This stuff feels weird!

About a week ago, Brian and I decided to introduce Annie to one of my favorite places on earth. The beach. After a couple hours at the outlet mall, shopping for a sweatshirt and sunglasses for Annie, we sat her little buns down in the sand. She LOVED it. Brian had asked the doctor (at her 6 month well child check up) about sunglasses, and whether or not they were necessary for her young age. The doc said "it's never too early to start protecting your eyes," so we just HAD to purchase these cute shades for Annie. And to our surprise, they didn't seem to bother her a bit. We got more comments on how cute she looked, and every time we looked at her, we had to chuckle. What a cutie!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I just found your blog. I love blogging, I'll have to start "following" you.
