Ok, so just when I promised to be doing blog posts more often, I go and have my longest stint away from it! Chalk it up to having a very busy toddler and needy newborn, I suppose. All this to say, I wouldn't change one thing about the past 6 months for anything!
Here is a quick "rundown" on our most recent family "happenings:"
Annie: celebrated her 2nd birthday last month, if you can believe it, I know we can't! She is a very busy little girl these days, and this toddler phase is proving to be quite fun. She recently has shown much interest in going potty, yet nothing consistent has come of the new hype. It's exciting to now be able to converse with her in a more understandable lingo! Along those lines, she graduated to the 2's class at church a few weeks ago, and the language is developing that much faster because of it. The new songs she's learning (and attempting to teach us) has brought smiles to our faces! It's amazing how young God can start working in those little lives!! "Normal" remarks were made at her most recent doctor check-up, although we keep anxiously waiting and expecting to hear she's sprouted off the charts with height. Just hasn't happened yet.
Macey: ...now 7 months old...WOW. She is eating some solids, definitely holding herself up well in the sitting position, and wants to be in and around Annie at all times! We can predict a crawler in our home in the very near future! She's got to keep up with Annie somehow! How fun it's been to see these two sisters bond in such amazing ways! And her laughter, that seems to bellow out so much more with Annie than Brian and I can ever get, is absolutely infectious! Her most recent doctor check-up showed her development as being right on track, in about the 50th percentile.
Megan: is now working part-time for the church once again, but in a much different capacity than before. She oversees the early childhood childcare department, consisting of 3 classes (Nursery, Weebles & Toddlers). This was a complete "God thing" for this job to come about. So far, in the 1 month she has been employed, we have seen it as a blessing for our family.
Brian: is still happily employed by the Marion County Sheriff's office, as he continues the graveyard shift, even going into the new year. As hard as it's been having him gone most nights, our family has adjusted well to this schedule, and we are happy he is happy doing what God has called him to do. In regards to hobbies, Brian just got his first elk in nearly 6 years this year, on his hunting trip with his folks to Eastern Oregon. We are glad to have that meat in the freezer!
I won't hold myself to a time limit on another update...just check back in a month or so. If you would, be praying for us as we seek the Lord's guidance with potentially putting our house back on the market. We've been feeling a "tug," and are now in the checking things out phase. Thank you, friends and family!
The Dunkins
Yeah, you're back! You have been missed. Hope you are able to post more often. Great pics...except for that poor elk.